Happy Valentine's Day! Or maybe it's Happy President's Day!? Or perhaps Happy Olympics!? There's so much to celebrate this February, I can't keep it straight. Really it all depends on when you're reading this and if you're as uncomfortable with a set malfunction on international television as Wayne Gretzky. Luckily, TMMC's not sweating nearly as much as Mr. Gretzky, but my Valentine's Day was a bit of an odd one nonetheless. First we celebrated Chinese New Years with a parade in Chinatown, followed by a day of debauchery - and now I've come home with a one ball in my coat pocket and I didn't even play pool! Hopefully you, like TMMC, have tomorrow off.
I have to apologize, but TMMC has to keep this post short as I'm writing this on Valentine's Day and Ebert might just leave me if I spend too much time at the computer this evening. So without further a do, we'll get to the results of last week's poll. Up on the chopping block, the question, "would you want to see Avatar II?" And the results are in....
41% of you said "No thanks! One was plenty!"
33% said "YES! Gimme more of those blue treehuggers!" And 25% said "I didn't see the first one, why would I see the second?" I think this poll was pretty telling for a few reasons. 1) It looks like James Cameron should just stop his ranting right now, the world's not that interested in seeing another edition. And 2) it may be a phenomenon, but a good amount of people still don't care to see Avatar. You can't blame them really. Once you get past the amazing CGI, what are we left with? Sigourney Weaver in another Alien movie without half the anxiety or drama?
Where did TMMC fall in the mix? I have to admit I, once again, agreed with the masses and felt that one was more than enough. I liked Avatar, even with the awkward sex scene, but I let a lot pass because it was so groundbreaking. And by a lot I mean a decent script with fleshed out characters. A second one certainly wouldn't pass muster in my book...unless they actually hired writers this time around. That said, Hollywood would make a bundle releasing Avatar II, just on name alone and regardless of the quality. Therefore, we'll likely see one come out anyway. I look forward to ripping it a new one.
Thanks to all who voted in last week's poll and don't forget to vote in this week's! We have something very special, in honor of President's Day. Also, stay tuned to TMMC because the announcement of the 2010 Oscar Sweepstakes will be coming real soon. And remember, you gotta be in it to win it! What will the prize be!? What will the question be!? As I said, stay tuned!
Coming up tomorrow, Oscar nominated District 9. Until then, check out the trailer.
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