Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Star Trek - Now on DVD

Ok, so TMMC was a little late to the party on this one, what can I say, I have a day job.  But after now seeing it, I sure am sorry I missed Star Trek in theaters.  Why did I pass it up?  Because Hollywood's fascination with rehashing old greats from the 70's and 80's hasn't quite panned out - I know, how could I think that with Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx's 2006 cinematic masterpiece Miami Vice!?  Maybe it's just me, but 9 times out of 10 I liked a movie better when I saw it the first time.  Star Trek proved to be the 1 in 10.

I'm not normally a fan of prequels like this, George Lucas totally ruined them for me, but the approach they took with Star Trek was a nice surprise.  JJ Abrams has done a phenomenal job updating the original Star Trek, benefiting from today's movie technology without tearing apart the franchise's soul.  The story line is wildly interesting yet the movie maintains a good humored approach and doesn't take itself too seriously, even poking fun at itself at times.  Don't worry if you're not a devotee of the original, you may miss some of the references and jokes, but you'll certainly still enjoy yourself.  It's well worth playing a little catch up for.

I'm still scratching my head a bit at whether or not Winona Ryder's appearance as Spock's mother was supposed to be a joke or if I personally just found it hilarious.  A - where did they find her!? and B - she's of the age to play a mother already!?  My my, I guess it really has been that long since we last saw her mug shot.

As with most off Abrams' work, don't go into it with your thinking cap on - we know none of it can happen, that's a given.  Just unplug yourself, sit back, relax and enjoy the great special effects.  Certainly enough time has passed since the last Star Trek that unless you're a Trekkie you'll have a hard time picking out any inconsistencies with the original.  

The cast should also be given praise for fitting the parts perfectly yet still making the characters their own; so even though you wait for William Shatner's patented syncopation, you're not disappointed at all when you don't hear it.  I also loved the original score, which really enhances the movie's experience.

I particularly loved Leonard Nimoy's Yoda-like appearance in the movie - all he was missing was the limp and walking stick.  I only wish William Shatner would've made a cameo too - that was a bit of a bummer.  I was hoping for for the two of them to reunite for a great musical number.  Maybe bring back some of their psychedelic chart topping hits like the Ballad of Bilbo Baggins or It Was A Very Good Year.

If you haven't given Star Trek a chance yet, go see it!  Because it boldly went where no other 70s remake's gone before, I happily give it a DO A MATINEE!

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