One who criticizes or passes judgment from a position of hindsight
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Journey to the Dark Side
I guess I was feeling a little sinister when selecting some new movies to preview this week, because these all take a walk on the dark side. Everything has a nasty underbelly, you just have to look hard enough to find it. What's TMMC's dark side? I take bribes from studios to write good reviews of their movies. Ok, not really - but if anyone reading this is from a movie studio, my price is pretty low, as are my moral standards, so feel free to e-mail me at
Whether it be a childhood classic, our nation's capital or love - there's always another side to the seemingly harmless, just waiting to be explored. These upcoming new movies journey to the dark side of all three.
Disappointed with Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland remake? Not foreboding enough for you? Maybe Malice in Wonderland is more your speed. Don't ask me where this one popped up from, because it's been off my radar until just now - and it releases this Friday! I suggest everyone just lower their expectations a bit until we can learn more, this could be fantastically interesting or make Burton's movie look like a masterpiece. In this modern remake, Alice is an American student studying in London and gets caught up in an underworld filled with shady characters. Actually sounds like a fun night out to me. Check out the trailer.
Can't afford to make it to Vegas? Why not see if you can make it to D.C. instead - they're doing just as muchgambling with your money. The upcoming movie Casino Jack and the United States of Money (phew, that's a mouthful), explores the lobbying and laundering of dirtbag Jack Abramoff. Perhaps you've heard of him? The king of all lobbyists, Abramoff made millions for many while wheeling and dealing the system and took a lot of bigwigs down with him when he was dethroned. Ok, so the darker side of politics is nothing new or shocking, but this looks like a great political documentary and will just give you another reason to become a disenfranchised voter. Hitting theaters May 7, check out the trailer.
Love can seem pretty harmless, but it can be damn near lethal at times. Particularly when it involves cheating spouses...and lots of money. See, that's the nice thing about having no money, you never have to worry about anyone trying to marry you for it. In I Am Love, the wife of an heir to a fortune, played by the great actress and gender bender Tilda Swinton, finds herself in a torrid love affair with her husband's business partner. And that's about all I could get from the trailer. But what really sets this apart from other love affair movies is it's of course it's no surprise it's European. This really does look like it's going to be stunning - the type of movie you call a film and see in a cinema, not a movie theater. It's too bad we have to wait to June 18 to bask in it - but it's something to look forward to! Check out the trailer.
If you haven't already, don't forget to vote in this week's poll!
1 comment:
I <3 TMMCritic. And his advance reviews of upcoming flicks.
Ps. I Am Love is a bio pic for Kent McKenzie.
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